Five Important Considerations when Buying Packaging Machine
The packaging industry may be one of the fastest growing industries in the world today. From tabletop semi-automatic machines to fully automatic production lines, packaging machines allow products to reach consumers in a fast and safe manner.
The term packaging machinery includes a large variety of equipment. Packaging machinery can refer to finishing machines, carousels, power conveyors, liquid filling machines, capping equipment, or any other number of machines. The term packaging machinery can also refer to a complete packaging line manufactured for a specific project. In other words, the term packaging machinery is a very general term. When companies start looking for packaging machinery, few, if any, two companies look for the same thing.
There are many things we need to take into account when we purchase a correct packaging machine. This is essential to choose the right one to benefit your project. Otherwise, it will spend you more cost and time for replacement and maintenance. As a professional packing machine manufacturer with over 30 years of experience, we will list the most five important considerations when purchasing a packaging machine. Hope this article can help you a lot.
Once the equipment is determined to handle the product, the packager must move on to selecting the actual packaging to hold the product. Whether bottles and caps or other containers and closures, machines must be able to handle every component of the packaging. For automated machinery, the focus here will be on the conveyor system and, to a lesser extent, each machine through which a bottle or other container will pass. Obviously, the conveyor system must be able to efficiently transfer containers from one packaging stage to the next. The capping machine also needs to stabilize the bottles and adjust the torque or other capping mechanism to seal these bottles reliably at all times. The labeling machine needs to be able to orient and always place the label in the correct position. Therefore, before choosing packaging equipment, you must first choose a container and seal.
When looking for packaging machinery for any project, the first thing to consider is the product itself. The equipment must be able to handle the product to be packaged. Of course, the main focus of this analysis will be on filling machines, as they are often the only machines that actually come into contact with the product. The filling machine chosen needs to be able to handle the viscosity of the product as well as any other unique product characteristics. But stopping the analysis on the filling machine is wrong for many different products. For example, some aggressive chemicals simply do not interact well with stainless steel (the construction material of most packaging machines).

Packaging range and products
When using multiple products or packages, it is necessary to consider each product as well as the combination of containers and seals. It would be a mistake to assume every time that because one product or package runs smoothly on a particular packer, all other products and packages will work properly. Going back to the filler, assume that a 16-ounce bottle and a 1-gallon bottle will both be filled on a machine with a submersible head. While the 16-ounce bottle will work perfectly on the filler, the gallon bottle may still have a problem. If the gallon bottle is tall, the fill head may not rise high enough to properly fill the container. If the gallon bottle is wide, the fill head may not be able to adjust left or right to accommodate multiple containers at once, severely reducing productivity.
Knowing the productivity of a given product will help in selecting the appropriate level of automation for a packaging facility. Lower production facilities can be addressed with less space and desktop or semi-automatic packaging equipment and higher levels of manual labor. Production facilities with higher product requirements may need to scrutinize automated packaging equipment and ensure it can meet daily monthly or even annual demand. Likewise, in practice, packagers need to work closely with manufacturers to ensure that the equipment purchased meets the needs of consumers.
Having equipment that meets current needs is usually the focus of packagers purchasing machines. But remember, almost everyone who packages a product expects future demand for that product to increase. Acquired packaging machinery should not become obsolete with the addition of some new retailer or consumer. Most packaging machinery can be upgraded and has the ability to grow as the company itself grows. Therefore, buying a packing machine or packaging line not only needs to suit your present needs but also your future needs.
We believe these five buying tips can help you choose the correct packing machine. If you still have a problem choosing the right packaging equipment, call us now. We are the leading packing machine manufacturer and supplier China.